A woman’s strength comes from within. O’right believes that your outer appearance reflects on your inner beauty, so we have made it our mission to help women regain confidence and glow from the inside out.

When last did you slow down and take a good look at yourself?

Marriage and parenting cost you your youth and memories…

Family cost you love and time…

Have you ever asked yourself, “What have I lost?”

In your hectic life, how long has it been since you’ve loved yourself? Looking back at the things you have lost, you will discover that as long as you regain your confidence, your beauty and love still exists.


As a new mother, it’s natural that you would make your family your everything and spend all your time for your little one just so they can receive the best care. You no longer have the luxury to take time alone, but you’re okay with it because when you see your baby grow and smile, you know that it’s all worth it.

When given the choice between family and love, you chose family. You sacrificed love to give all of your time to your family. Your family is your first priority. For the sake of your family’s health and wellbeing, you work harder to ensure a steady income.

Looking at these true stories told by three women, do they remind you of yourself? As time goes by, have you forgotten to rebuild your lost confidence and restore your youth? When life is filled with tension and stress, and you are experiencing hair loss after giving birth and you find yourself slowly losing your self-confidence, why not take a deep breath and have a good look at yourself. Find the time to love yourself more and treat your scalp and hair with the care they deserve. Put that smile back on your face and you will find in no time that your love and beauty still exists.

In May this year, O’right shared the true touching stories of three devoted women to reflect the everyday lives of women and help restore the things we have lost in the past. The video has garnered over 4 million views since it was uploaded three weeks ago, touching the hearts of many people. The real and raw emotions featured in the videos tell the stories of every woman out there.

Give time to build self-love and show yourself the unconditional love you deserve no matter how busy life gets.