Do you know how much plastic affects the earth? According to SMEs Green Information website, worldwide plastic production is estimated to reach up to 33 billion tons by 2050, and plastic will make up 80% of litter on oceans and shorelines.


Despite how serious this issue is, we cannot live without it. Plastics are used for their strength and durability. They make life more convenient, but what they do to the environment is not so pleasant. So, how to put plastic to good use and balance the pros of cons of plastic is something we should think about.

Perhaps you have heard of renewable plastic. Folders and files you find at school or work and hair, containers of body care products, detergents, and bleach lying around at home, and even the plastic bags we use to carry purchased goods are all just a few renewable plastic products you see in everyday life. This reduces plastic waste on earth, but it cannot prevent the emergence of new plastic.

While everyone is racking their brains trying to come up with ways to reduce plastic, 100% renewable plastic is born! 100% renewable plastic is the rebirth of recycled plastic waste. Moving forward on our Cradle to Cradle journey, we shouldn’t forget our responsibility to the environment. Getting on the train of green sustainability is the newest trend for showing your love for our planet.