The Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5 ºC by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) says that the world’s temperatures are likely to raise 0.5ºC by 2030-2052 if global warming continues at its current pace. Furthermore, the report also states that a temperature increase would exasperate extreme weather, declining Arctic sea ice, rising sea levels and cause coral mortality to reach 70%. The 2018 Nobel Prize for Economic Sciences was awarded to 2 scholars for their work on how changes in temperature interact with economic activity. Climate change has become a crisis that cannot be ignored by individuals, organizations, corporations or nations. It is a problem we must all face and fight as one.

As the impact of climate change worsens, we can’t rely on individuals to fix the problem anymore. It’s time for corporations to take a stand on climate action and make a difference. With the collective power of corporations and communities, we can accelerate climate action and take great strides towards a sustainable future.

Earth’s temperature to rise 0.5 ºC if we don’t do something

Desperate times call for desperate measures…and these are desperate times. The global goal is to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050. But people are still turning a blind eye to the staggering amount of new plastic piling up and the environmental and health impacts of improper waste treatment such as open burning and landfills.


The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) calls for a European Sustainability Pact ahead of EU elections for a safer, more competitive and responsible EU. The European Parliament also voted to enact a ban on single-use plastics by 2021 and many countries have followed their footsteps by implementing measures to reduce plastic use and stopping trash from polluting the oceans.

Revive old plastic and restore nature

According to the UN, humanity as a whole has produced 9 billion tons of plastic, but only 9% of it has been recycled. Also, 50% of the plastic we use is single-use. Even more alarming is BBC reported in 2017 that the amount of plastic produced is as heavy as 25,000 Empire State Buildings or a billion elephants.

Plastic bottles, bags, straws and disposable toiletries are just a few of the many things that are thrown away without any thought on a daily basis. Over time, the world is faced with a massive pile-up of plastic trash. It’s no wonder Mother Nature has had enough and is fighting back with catastrophic results. Plastic is not going anywhere; and to deal with the plastic problem, the solution is simple: reduce plastic in everyday life. It’s time to make a change and to make a real difference in the world’s fight against plastic.

Innovating our way towards sustainability

O’right is on the right track towards a plastic-free future as the first beauty brand in the world to ensure traceability of recycled resources. In 2011, we created the world’s first Carbon Neutral shampoo, using packaging materials that are recyclable, renewable and non-toxic. In 2018, we went on to introduce the 100% renewable plastic shampoo bottle and pump to reduce the use of new plastic and give plastic waste new meaning while lowering carbon emissions. For years, we have worked towards lessening environmental impact and protecting our planet for a greener tomorrow.