2018 marks O’right’s 10th year in China. For a decade, O’right has introduced professional green products and spread natural, sustainable and eco-friendly concepts across the cosmetic industry in China.

O’right’s relentless effort is the reason why the green seeds have sprouted on this piece of land. Having been given the opportunity to witness the wonders of healthy products, our people are starting to pursue a better lifestyle amidst economic growth. We have come to realize that the earth that we live on shouldn’t be neglected. With more people becoming more health-conscience with a low-carbon and eco-friendlier lifestyle, O’right is gaining prominence in the hair care sector of China.

无锡场 响应沙龙店合照2-

This is all thanks to the immense effort and dedication of the O’right’s green partners in China. Without them, this wouldn’t have been possible. Our astonishing list of 400 salon partners, with many more to come, not only provides healthy O’right products but also delivers our vision of living a greener lifestyle to customers. In fact, many customers even look up to hairdressers as eco-experts and rely on them to share the knowledge on environmental protection and eco-friendly tips to living a greener life.

As a global environmental movement founded by WWF, Earth Hour has impacted the people of China for many years, with the help of promotion from the government and enterprises. In recent years, though, O’right’s China team is the one to make the biggest difference. Each year, thousands of people working in the hair salon business join the lights-off event to inspire more consumers, enterprises and hundreds and thousands of people. Make the slogan “turn off the lights, reduce carbon and love the earth” a part of your daily life.

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Before officially kicking off Earth Hour, we held gatherings in different cities to urge everyone to join and incorporate “green” in everyone’s life.

This year, on the 6th and 8th of March, O’right distributors and more than 500 hairdressers joined hands at the Earth Hour kick-off event held at Wuxi of Jiangsu and Chengdu of Sichuan.


Four theme areas were set up, each appointed with 4 eco-angels to interact with visitors. At Wuxi, O’right Chairman Steven Ko and General Manager of China distributors Mr. Chen Li-jiu were there to present honorary certificates and trophies to hair salons that have participated Earth Hour for 6 years in a row.

特助分享 绿色理念-

Also, Nathaniel from O’right shared many environmental issues worldwide in hopes of urging everyone, as global citizens, to work together and take action.

成都场嘉宾 (左一)杨怡、陈乔恩、甄子丹等非常有名的明星御用造型师 Kenji-

At the Wuxi and Chengdu events, influential people in the beauty industry including Chairman Yao of the Back in Time hair salon and Kenji, a Hong Kong-based celebrity stylist of Tavia Yeung Yi, Joe Chen Chiao-en and Donnie Yen Chi-tan were invited to discuss and share green management concepts as well as their insight into current environmental issues. The President of Sichuan Chamber of Commerce for Beauty and Hairdressing also appeared at the Chengdu event, expressing how amazed and touched he was that O’right could create such a wonderful platform for the beauty industry in China and inspire them to take part in and promote the nation’s eco-policies.

成都场 葛董妇女节献花1-

The day of the Chengdu event was also the 16th birthday of O’right and International Women’s Day; so O’right Chairman Steven Ko especially handed out carnations to every female guest.

Everyone who attended the events praised O’right for the unique and meaningful experience and for giving them a shocking glimpse of the devastating consequences human activities have on the environment. This disturbing revelation fueled their determination to become a green pioneer for the sake of themselves, their family and younger generations by reducing the use of disposable tableware and goods made from paper, learning to sort rubbish and taking public transportation or driving electric vehicles. Make small changes to live a greener lifestyle and make a green difference for a better future for you and I. 

Earth Hour is like a signal that unites people around the world. As long as more and more people are becoming aware that our planet needs our protection and we need a healthy earth, we will no longer need any environmental protection organizations or activities, because our planet will already be in a healthy and good state. It’s O’right!