Believe in Natural Beauty and the Green Impact of Hair Salons. 2016 is the year of O’right. So, the Brand Development Department asked customer service staff to recommend a “salon of the year” and share their thoughts and ideas on ways to make the world a better place. This issue of It’s O’right Quarterly introduces two hair salons.
GARAGE HAIR: A Green Salon Smelling like Coffee
TAKA is a hair salon owner who loves scuba diving, coffee, and motorcycles. Because of his love for diving, TAKA has long been aware of the importance of marine conservation. Because of his love for coffee, TAKA’s wife Meifeng fell into the world of estate grown coffee, which is coffee grown on a single farm. She realized that by giving the earth love and protection, the earth gives us rich, aromatic, and unique coffee in return.

Each and every person of the GARAGE family does something environmentally friendly every day. They use O’right products because they care about the expectations of the rivers and because they truly believe in creating a sustainable and wonderful environment for Taiwan. They have families visiting GARAGE HAIR where parents enjoy Japanese style hair services and children learn how to brew a cup of coffee from Meifeng. They are doing what that love while inspiring countless people to care about nature.
ASH KYI SALON: Professionalism and Sustainable Beauty

Professionalism naturally attracts customers. Aki has a group of friends that has been learning from her ever since she was still an assistant hairdresser. Aki’s customers are loyal to her not just because of her professionalism, but also of her concerns for their health due to her background in chemical engineering.
A hairdresser’s skills and aesthetic perception make a difference. Aki hopes that her salon can motivate young hairdressers to create a broader horizon, use their creativity, and discover the true essence of hair care. Work hard for sustainable beauty and not beauty at the expense of your health. Aki and her team strongly believe that sustainable beauty requires professionalism.
What is estate grown coffee?
Estate grown coffees include shade grown coffee, organic coffee, and eco-friendly coffee that are either internationally certified or award-winning. Estate grown coffee farms provide habitat for wild animals, birds, and insects and can also provide secondary income for farmers. Estate grown coffee must meet organic standards to ensure high quality. (Source: ifreshfood)
Sustainable diving
We all share the same ocean. Conservation of the ocean and marine life has become a top priority in the 21st century. So, human activities on the marine environment are expected to be strictly controlled in the near future. Therefore, developing diving as a recreational activity is believed to be a part of sustainable fishery. (Source: Taiwan’s Marine Ecology Information Learning Network)