We can change the environment, the environmental can influence us. In 2016, O’right Green Life event promotes sustainability by picking green locations such as renovated old houses and green buildings to provide hairdressers an ecofriendly space to create and experience a wonderful lifestyle.

Hsinchu ∣ Lavender Cottage
Lavender Cottage allowed us to fulfill our dream of holding the Green Life event in a forest surrounded by a beautiful landscape of mountains and cypress trees. A soothing therapy for the body and soul infuses Green Life with refreshing vitality.
This forest is a dream come true for co-founders Tiffany Lin and Grace Zhan. Thanks to them, we are blessed with the chance to get close to nature and enjoy the serenity of this place. Lavender Cottage believes in planting the seed of dreams, just like O’right brings in new seeds of green with our brand influence. We all hope to spread positivity and give each and every little seed the opportunity to grow and thrive into something beautiful.

Taichung ∣ Good Days
O’right Green Life aims to promote a sustainable, wonderful lifestyle and encourage hairdressers to love planet earth. On our search for the perfect venue to hold the event in Taichung, we eventually came across Good Days, a restaurant subsidiary of Lavender Cottage that believes that eating healthy and living a healthy lifestyle can benefit us in ways we can never imagine, which is exactly what O’right believes in. During our Taichung event, we made potted plants, listened to music, and tasted organic vegetable dishes grown from local farms to experience nature and enjoy the incredible moment together.

Kaohsiung∣Bywood Art Space
Under a hundred-year-old banyan tree, we held the only outdoor Green Life event in Kaohsiung on a hot summer day. Bywood Art Space was once a guesthouse for Emperors of Japan located in the largest historical monument preservation site in Taiwan (the 5th cultural landscape) near the first sugar factory built during the Japanese colonial period in 1901. Bywood Art Space is also the only site to be artistically and ecologically certified. O’right hopes to encourage everyone who visits Bywood to take a greener approach to life.
This meaningful Green Life event brought hairdressers together to make and design their own plants with leaves and flowers to inspire everyone to incorporate aesthetics to life and cherish our natural environment. As the light breeze blew gently, all the negative feelings of frustrations flew out the window. As the saying goes, walnuts and pears you plant for your heirs. This is the perfect wakeup call, reminding us that as the world gets warmer, we can do something about it; by living a greener lifestyle, we can build a better world for future generations.
A cultural landscape is cultural properties that represent the combined works of nature and of man (Source: Cultural Heritage Management Handbook published by the Ministry of Culture, Executive Yuan)